Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA
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Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA

Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA
Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA
Chapter Info

Our Chapter was chartered as an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) on 20 July 1977 to:

  1. Provide useful services for and protect the interests of our members, their dependents and survivors;
  2. Promote the aims of the Military Officers Association of America; and
  3. Encourage and facilitate camaraderie among our members.


In accordance with MOAA Mission, Mount Vernon Chapter of MOAA is a nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.

Further, we support MOAA's Purpose statement:
"While the association does advocate a strong national defense, it  does not, as an association, become involved in matters pertaining to  military strategy or individual weapons systems of the various services.  The association's board of directors has long believed that such  decisions can be made only by those who have all of the facts available  to them: today's actively serving military leadership.

The association plays an active role in military personnel matters  and especially proposed legislation affecting the career force, the  retired community, and veterans of the uniformed services. MOAA's  overarching goals are captured in its resolutions, which reflect the  views of the entire membership. The membership provides input and votes  on resolutions every two years (on even years).

While MOAA is permitted by law to lobby - and does so actively - its  status as a tax-exempt veterans organization precludes it from  participating in political activities, which are defined as intervening  directly or indirectly in any political campaign on behalf of or in  opposition to any candidate for public office. Stated briefly, the  association may advocate issues, but it may not advocate the election or  defeat of particular candidates or political parties."

Learn more HERE:

Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA
Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA
Mt. Vernon Chapter MOAA

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